LPSTube Wiki
Brett Jones
Character by ElizaLPS
Species Dog, boxer
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Color Brown, White
Eyes Blue

Mr. Jones, Savannah's father, has been abusing her ever since his wife passed away in a car accident, claiming that it was all Savannah's fault. The crash caused him to develop a few mental problems, and because of it, he's not very good at controlling his anger. Whenever he needs to let go of some steam, he takes it out on Savannah. Before Mrs. Jones died, he wasn't as hotheaded as he is now. He used to be really friendly - a completely opposite personality - and absolutely loved Savannah, he would do anything for her. But now, he forces Savannah do all of the chores, pushes her around, and just makes her feel horrible. He also despises Buggie, and makes him live outside on their balcony.
